List of M42 Camera Bodies By Generation

As an addendum to this article, here is a list of M42 camera bodies (post-1948) by technological generation. This is not a complete list and is an ongoing project. I am leaving out Edixa models and most rebadged bodies (Revueflex, Vivitar, Porst, Sears, etc.) for now. Where there is an exact modern silver oxide equivalent to the original battery, that is listed. Where the original battery was a mercury type without an exact silver/alkaline equivalent, the mercury is listed.

First Generation

Non-Metered + Manual Stop-Down Aperture Control

Contax S1949Built-in Pentaprism
Contax D1952Built-in Pentaprism
Contax E1956Contax D with Uncoupled Selenium Meter
Pentax1957Built-in Pentaprism & Lever Advance
Pentax S1958Built-in Pentaprism & Lever Advance
Petri Penta1959Pentaprism & Lever Advance
Praktica1949Waist-Level Finder
Praktica FX1952Waist-Level Finder
Praktica MX1952Waist-Level Finder
Praktiflex1949Waist-Level Finder
Zenit E1965Uncoupled Selenium Meter
Zenit B1968

Second Generation

Non-Metered + Auto-Diaphragm Operation

Contax/Pentacon F1956NoneFirst 2nd Generation Body
Contax/Pentacon FB1956NoneContax F with Uncoupled Selenium Meter
Contax/Pentacon FM1958NoneContax F Split-Screen Focusing Aid
Contax/Pentacon FBM1958NoneContax FM with Uncoupled Selenium Meter
Pentax K1958None
Pentax S21959None
Pentax S11959None
Pentax S31961None
Pentax SV1962None
Pentax S1a1962None
Pentax Spotmatic SL1968None
Praktica FX21956None
Praktica FX31956None
Praktica IV1959None
Praktica IVB1961NoneSelenium Meter
Praktica VF1964None
Praktica Nova1964None
Praktica VFB1965NoneSelenium Meter
Praktica Nova B1966NoneSelenium Meter
Pentaflex SL1967None
Praktica PL Nova1967None
Praktica PL Electronic1968PX625First SLR with Electronically-Controlled Shutter
Praktica L Series1969None
Praktica LB Series1972NoneSelenium Meter
Yashica Penta J1961NoneOptional Clip-On Meter Coupled to Shutter Speed
Yashica J-31963RM-1Non-TTL Light Meter Not Coupled to Aperture
Yashica J-P1964NoneOptional Clip-On Meter Coupled to Shutter Speed
Yashica J-51964PX625Non-TTL Light Meter Not Coupled to Aperture
Yashica J-41965PX625Non-TTL Light Meter Not Coupled to Aperture
Yashica J-71968PX625Non-TTL Light Meter Not Coupled to Aperture

Third Generation

Stop Down TTL Light Metering + Auto-Diaphragm Operation

Chinon M-11972PX625
Chinon CX1974PX625
Chinon CS1978PX625
Chinon SLR1979
Chinon CS-419802 x SR44
Cosina Hi-Lite1968PX675
Cosina Hi-Lite DL1970PX675
Cosina SLR1971
Cosina Hi-Lite 2021975PX675
Cosina 1000S1976?PX675
Cosina 4000S1976?PX675
Exakta TL 1000 / TL 5001972PX625
Exakta Twin TL 421973PX675
Fujica ST70119702 x PX400
Fujica ST60119752 x PX400
Fujica ST60519762 x SR44
Fujica ST605N19782 x SR44
Miranda Sensomat TM1974PX675
Pentax Spotmatic1964PX400First 3rd Generation Body
Pentax Spotmatic 5001971PX400
Pentax Spotmatic II1971PX400
Pentax Spotmatc IIa1971PX400
Pentax Spotmatic SP 10001974PX400
Praktica Super TL1968PX625
Praktica LTL Series1970PX625
Praktica Super TL 21975PX625
Praktica TL1976PX625
Praktica DTL Series1978V21PX
Praktica MTL 31984PX625
Praktica MTL 51984PX625
Praktica MTL 5019854 x SR44
Ricoh Singlex TLS1967PX675
Ricoh TLS 4011970PX625
Ricoh SLX 5001975PX625
Ricoh Singlex II1976PX625
Voigtlander Bessaflex TM20032 x SR44
Yashica TL Super1966SR44
Yashica TL1968SR44
Yashica TL Electro X1968PX28Electronic Shutter
Yashica TL-E1969PX28?Electronic Shutter
Yashica TL Electro X ITS1971Electronic Shutter
Yashica TL Electro1972Electronic Shutter
Zeiss Ikon Icarex 35 / 35S TM1969PX625
Zenit 1919792 x PX625

Fourth Generation

Open-Aperture TTL Light Metering with Proprietary M42 Lenses

Fujica ST8011972S28PX
Fujica ST70519762 x SR44
Fujica ST605 II19782 x SR44
Fujica ST705W19782 x SR44
Mamiya DSX 500 / 10001974SR44
Mamiya MSX 500 / 10001974SR44
Olympus FTL1971PX625
Pentacon Super1968PX625First 4th Generation Body
Pentax Spotmatic F1973PX625
Praktica LLC1969V21PX
Praktica VLC Series1974V21PX
Praktica PLC Series1975V21PX
Voigtlander VSL11974PX625
Zeiss Ikon SL7061971PX625

Fifth Generation

Aperture or Shutter Speed Priority Autoexposure with Proprietary Lenses

Exakta FE 20001977PX675Shutter-Speed Priority Autoexposure
Fujica ST90119744 x SR44
Fujica AZ-119783 x SR44
Pentax ES1971First Fifth Generation Body
Pentax ES II19734 x SR44
Praktica EE21977V21PX
Praktica EE31979V21PX
Ricoh Auto TLS EE1976PX675Shutter-Speed Priority Autoexposure
Yashica TL Electro AX1971A32PXButton to Open to Full Aperture
Zenit 181980Only AE with the Zenitar ME1 50mm f/1.7

Chinon / Cosina / Zenit System

Stop-Down Metering Activated Through Half-Press of Shutter Button

ModelYearBatteryNotesOthers Versions
Chinon CE1974S28PXAperture-Priority; 1/2000 Top SpeedRevueflex 4000 EE
Chinon CE-II1976S28PXAperture-Priority; 1/2000 Top SpeedRevueflex 4004 / 4000 EE / 4004 / 5005; Porst Reflex M-CE & C-EE
Chinon CX-II1976PX625No AutoexposureRevueflex 3000 SM & 3003
Chinon CE-319782 x SR44Aperture-PriorityRevueflex AC1
Chinon CM-1 / CM-319782 x SR44No AutoexposureRevueflex SC1
Cosina Hi-Lite EC1972Aperture-Priority; 1/2000 Top Speed
Cosina Hi-Lite 402PX625No Autoexposure
Cosina Hi-Lite 4051974PX625No Autoexposure; Spot & Center MeteringRevueflex SM302; Porst Reflex C-TL Super
Cosina Hi-Lite ECL1977S28PXAperture-Priority; 1/2000 Top SpeedRevueflex EE 303
Cosina CSL19782 x SR44No Autoexposure
Cosina CSM19782 x SR44No AutoexposurePorst Compact-Reflex; Petri MF-2
Cosina CSR19782 x SR44No Autoexposure; Spot & Center Metering
Zenit 1219832 x SR43No Autoexposure
Zenit 12219902 x SR43No Autoexposure
Zenit 312M19992 x SR43No Autoexposure
Zenit 412DX / 412LS2000 / 20022 x SR43No Autoexposure
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Gregory HEATH
Gregory HEATH
1 year ago

Thanks for listing the models. I love my Pentax SPII.

9 months ago

There are so many more camera models and brands that have not
yet been listed here. Just the cameras where the setting dial
for shutter speed and ASA/ISO is on the front of the camera,
like the Ricoh Singlex TLS listed here.

Just a few examples:
Sigma Mark 1
Universa Interflex TL
Sears TLS
Porst reflex TTL
Chinon Prinzflex TTL
Revueflex 1000s TTL

and so many more. The list would have to be at least five if not
ten times as long to cover all cameras with an M42 screw mount
😉 There were not only the main manufacturers, but also all the
photo trading companies that sold the export models of the regular
main manufacturers under a different brand and mostly a different
model name for the manufacturing companies.

These are just a few examples of such photo trading companies:
Photo Porst

and a few others, some of which also made minimal changes to
the export models, in addition to the brand and model names.

And you would basically have to go country by country around
the world to find out whether there were any manufacturers or
photo retailers that sold cameras, which is a mammoth task with
the M42 screw mount 😉

Last edited 9 months ago by SchwarzPoet