TTL Flash Options for Contax & Yashica SLRs

With information on this subject somewhat scattered around the public domain, this piece will quickly run down through the options for TTL flash for Contax and Yashica manual-focus 35mm SLRs. The Contax models that were capable of utilizing TTL flash were the 139, 137, RTS II, 159MM, 167MT, ST, RTS III, AX, and Aria. The only Yashica model with TTL flash capability is the FX-103. Most flash equipment from the film era is dirt cheap today.

Contax-Branded TTL Flashes

FlashGN (100)WeightBatteryBounceRecycle (Full Power)CoverageModesRear Curtain
TLA 2020180g4 x AANo5 secsInsert (24mm)TTL / A / MNo
TLA 3030290g4 x AAVertical9 secsInsert (24mm)TTL / A / MNo
RTF 54040720gMultiple OptionsVerticalDependsInsert (24mm)TTL / A / MNo
TLA 1401480g1 X CR123No4.8 secs28mmTTL / MNo
TLA 2002090g2 x CR2No3.5 secsZoom (28-90)TTL / M?
TLA 28028260g4 x AAVertical5 secsZoom (28-85)TTL / MYes
TLA 36036390g4 x AAVertical / Horizontal9 secsZoom (24-85)TTL / A / MYes
TLA 48048830g8 x DVertical / HorizontalDependsInsert (24mm)TTL / A / MYes

The two-pin TLA 20 and TLA 30 were the flashes in existence during the era of the 139, 137, RTS II, 159MM, 167MT, and the ST. The TLA 140 and TLA 200 were designed for the Contax G1 and G2 autofocus cameras. The five-pin TLA 280, TLA 360, and TLA 480 are optimized for the later RX, AX, RTS III, and Aria. However, all TTL Contax flashes are generally compatible with all TTL-capable Contax bodies in A and P modes. For instance, a TLA 30 should fully function with the RTS III or Aria, including daylight fill flash. The TLA 360 will work on an RTS II and automatically set the shutter speed to 1/60, but the body does not “communicate” its aperture setting with the flash. Ergo, it appears that you must manually dial in the f-stop on the RTS II’s lens for proper TTL flash operation (i.e., f/4). Of course, you can alter the settings on the TLA 360 flash itself to accommodate other selected apertures when using the RTS II.

As a general rule, although the TTL flashes are generally cross-compatible across the Contax range, it would probably be best to match a TLA 30 with the 137/139/RTS II and the TLA 360 with the RX and later bodies. The TLA 30 is a really nice and affordable flash unit (f not rather large), with its capabilities for bounce flash and for shooting at all apertures to achieve a primitive daylight fill operation. The TLA 360 is a quintessential “modern” flash with all the bells and whistles one would expect and has fully communication with the later bodies when using MM lenses.

Yashica-Branded Flashes

Despite the fact that Yashica only produced one manual-focus SLR capable of employing TTL flash, it produced three flashes that should work with any TTL C/Y body.

FlashGN (100)WeightBatteriesBounceRecycle
(Full Power)
CoverageModesRear Curtain
CS-20320?2 x AANo??TTL / MNo
CS-22122176g4 x AAVertical5 secs35mmTTL / MNo
CS-250AF27235g4 x AAVertical6 secsZoom (28-85)TTL / MNo

Aftermarket Metz Options

To broaden one’s horizons, with the proper module and sync cords, many TTL-capable Metz flash units will work perfectly Contax cameras and the FX-103. Metz made two basic lines of flashes during the film era: the 300 and 3000 series. Properly-adapted Metz TTL flashes will provide the same capabilities as a TLA flash would on your particular Contax body. The proper module for 300-series flashes is the SCA 382 (there is an older SCA 380 that will work). The proper module for 3000-series flashes is the SCA 3801. Of course, you can mix and match modules and the 300/3000 series flashes as long as you can read Metz’s complicated flow charts. Check here for the full info. Metz offers a much larger world of flashes than were ever made for Contax.

Aftermarket Sunpak Options

A competitor to Metz back in the day, Sunpak also made flashes that could be adapted to different camera TTL systems. The correct TTL module for Contax cameras is the YC-1D. The modular Sunpak flashes are dirt cheap, most even more affordable than equivalent Metz equipment. Sunpak has some fun and quirky units like the 120J and its TTL ring units.

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John H Osterholm
John H Osterholm
1 year ago

Good evening Dave,

I am a new owner of a Contax S2 and I know pretty much of what I require except the electronic flash recommendations. Is there a particualr flash you would name? It is not something I would frequently use and I have flashes already for other cameras including the flash dedicated for my Leicaflex Sl2. The S2 I received looks nearly brand new but the instructions are in Japanese so I ordered one from Butkus and I read his on line

Thank you for reading, John Osterholm in Albany, Oregon.

1 year ago

Will the tla200 work with contax 159mm or st?

Ilan Sanchez
Ilan Sanchez
1 month ago

Hello Dave,

What flashes would work with my Contax AX?


1 month ago

Hi Dave, I’ve just got a Contax RX. Will my TLA 30 flash work correctly with it in TTL mode? Or would I benefit from getting a TLA 280? Would the 280 make much difference?Thanks, Phil