I am not sure how I ended up with these but thought these should be displayed for reference and posterity. Enjoy!
Konica Autoreflex T3-Era Lens Brochure

Low Cost Konica Hexar Lens Brochure

1977 Konica Autoreflex TC System Brochure

Konica Autoreflex A3 Brochure

Instructions for Konica Remote Control Switch

Autoreflex T4-Era Konica Lens Brochure

I recall quite a lot of people using the Konica system during the 1980s. A photographer taking pix at the battle of Orgreave Coking Plant in The Peoples Republic of South Yorkshire in 1984 was using one with a telephoto zoom lens. He had a motor/winder underneath it too. At the time I was using a Leica M3 and 135mm f4.5 Hektor and I envied his ‘reach’.